Two Kingdoms One Lord

Two Kingdoms One Lord is dedicated to the unity of life in this world live by those who are not of this world. Christians “are in the world,” says Jesus, “but not of the world”  (John 17:11, 14). This is not incidental, but by Jesus’ own will. “I do not pray that You would take them out of the world” (John 17:15). Life in this world is given by the same Lord who has “given them [God’s] Word” by which Word, He has made them salt and light. ((John 17:14; Matthew 5:13-16).

The Lord is “a great King over all the earth” (Psalm 47:2). There is no secular realm uninformed by His Word, or unaccountable to His authority. Secularism is a false doctrine of modern vintage, not drawn from the Bible, but imagined by the empty deceit of men (Colossians 2:8). TKOL exists to teach and exemplify this eternal truth.

TKOL is a service to the state of Wyoming directed by Pastor Jonathan Lange and overseen by the Wyoming District of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. It carries out its charter, first, by weekly columns for the general public; second, by developing cooperative ties between entities throughout Wyoming that share its vision; third, by working with elected officials and advocacy groups to keep Wyoming government accountable to its own God-given charter: “to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do well” (1 Peter 2:14).

In the course of this trifold civic engagement, TKOL intentionally strives to model a temperate and loving style of speech. While rejecting the taboos of a false politeness that silences the voice of God for the sake of worldly peace, it equally refuses to participate in the caustic rhetoric of identity politics. Rather, TKOL believes that Christians, informed by God’s Word, can and should speak to every topic under the sun while modelling charity and grace, with unflinching humility.

Two Kingdoms One Lord is sustained solely by the gifts of donors like you. While overseen by the Wyoming District of the LCMS, a 501c3 corporation, 100 percent of every donation goes toward the ministry of TKOL. None goes toward the general operating expenses of the LCMS. All donations are tax deductable and used for the state of Wyoming.

Make checks payable to:
Wyoming District, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

In the MEMO line, write TKOL.

Send donations to:
Lutheran Ministries Center
2400 Hickory St.
Casper, WY 82604

You will receive a receipt for your tax records, updates on the work for TKOL, and the lasting gratitude of the people of Wyoming whose generations are the direct beneficiaries of this ministry.

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